Peaceful Waters

Peaceful thoughts dance softly inside my head
Like the gentle ripples upon your face
As I stand entranced upon your shores
Hypnotized as I watch your flowing grace

You show no worries, fears or burdens
Powerful against all forces, holding solid from your depth
Even to return in all your peaceful splendor when
The storm has blown it's cold hard breath

When nature's hand forces you from your own warm bed
And spreads you high in unknown places
You will return and settle down again for the night
Cleansed and stronger, with more ripples upon your face

You will find the courage when your thirst is mighty
To lie in silence and pull your strength for living
In knowing the good rains will come
And fill to your brim once more with the life giving

Gifts entrusted by your Creator abides within your heart
Granted to share freely of his bountiful love
To feed the hungry, to tease the playful in sport
But having wisdom to know when enough is enough

I cast my life line deep into your wells of knowledge
Share your strength, wisdom and secrets of the earth
Oh Peaceful Waters teach me your patience
Help me find my own peace and worth

An Angel Original
© Copyright 2003 Paula Scola
All Rights Reserved

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