I get my Daddy's
guitar down most every day
And look at all them papers with the song
They tell you just where to pick and play
So the music will come out right, but I can't
I know the words in my ears, I hear them every
My faverts over and over and over on the radio
My pickin sounds just fine to me too the way
I play
Puppy seems to think so too, he joins right
I love country music bestest and can sing
really loud
Just like Allen and George and Merle and Willie
When they stand on stage and face that big
I could be in their band too if they could
just hear me
I think it's really cool how they all live
on a bus
It's probably pretty messy in there like my
Just the way we guys like it but no Mom's
to fuss
I bet they get to stop at Quick Trip to go
I guess I'll keep on practacin' till I get
I'll write some songs too when I get in kidagarden
And I'll need a big black hat to keep my head
Cause' I wanna be a country music singer when
I grow up
An Angel Original
Paula Scola
© Copyright 2004