To The Dogs
10 Dog Country & Western
10. "Don't Chase That Pickup,
Rover Boy", by Tex Critter.
9. "Howlin' Over You",
by Bonnie Bloodhound.
8. "Four On The Floor",
by The Toolbox Terriers.
7. "That Ain't My Collar",
by Woof Brooks.
6. "Out Behind The Pool
Hall", by Johnny Dumpster.
5. "Bad, Bad Leroy Hound",
by Willie Welshound.
4. "Don't Kick The Supper
Dish", by Flea G. Shepherd.
3. "Boot Chewin' Boogie",
by Hank The Cowdog.
2. "Dog Chow Blues",
by The Chuck Wagon Chasers.
1. "Fleas Release Me",
by Bark Collie.
10 Dog Bumper Stickers:
10. Honk If You Love Hot Dogs!
9. If You Can Read This, You're
Hanging Too Far Out Of The Window!
8. Caution- I Brake For Dead
Stuff On The Road!
7. My Snauzer Can Beat Up Your
Obedience School Honor Student.
6. Vet is a 4-Letter Word!
5. My Other Car Is The Bed Of
A Pickup!
4. I'd Rather Be Digging A Hole
In The Back Yard!
3. Hey Cat! New Law - Red Light
Means Go Now, OKAY?
2. Caution - Driver Drools Out
The Window!
1. Dead Cats - We're For 'Em!
Top 20 Reasons Dogs Don't Use
20. Can't stick their heads
out of Windows '95.
19. Fetch command not available
on all platforms.
18. Hard to read the monitor
with your head cocked to one
17. Too difficult to "mark"
every website they visit.
16. Can't help attacking the
screen when they hear "You've
Got Mail."
15. Fire hydrant icon simply
14. Involuntary tail wagging
is dead giveaway they're browsing
www.pethouse.com instead of
13. Keep bruising noses trying
to catch that MPEG frisbee.
12. Not at all fooled by Chuckwagon
Screen Saver.
11. Still trying to come up
with an "emoticon"
that signifies tail-wagging.
10. Oh, but they WILL... with
the introduction of the Microsoft
Opposable Thumb.
9. Three words: Carpal Paw Syndrome.
8. 'Cause dogs ain't GEEKS!
Now, cats, on the other hand...
7. Barking in next cube keeps
activating YOUR voice recognition
6. SmellU-SmellMe still in beta
5. SIT and STAY were hard enough,
GREP and AWK are out of the
4. Saliva-coated mouse gets
mighty difficult to maneuver.
3. Annoyed by lack of newsgroup,
2. Butt-sniffing more direct
and less deceiving than online
chat rooms.
1. TrO{gO DsA[M,bN HyAqR4tDc
TgrOo TgYPmE WeIjTyH P;AzWqS,.
( 1. Too Damn Hard To Type With
Paws. )
Ten Things to do with a Dead
10. Kill it 8 more times, just
to be sure.
9. Excellent for buffing the
8. Jab a stick in it's mouth
and use it for a dustmop.
7. Spray it with glue, hang
it from the ceiling...instant
6. Paint a stripe on each end,
sew up the middle, and PLAY
5. Chitlins!
4. Field test the blender...
3. Start a newsgroup, "Dead
Cats, I'm for 'em!"
2. Makes a dandy fur coat for
the Chihuahua.
1. Get 10 more and go beat the
Dallas Cowboys!
Ten Reasons Dogs Are Better
Than Men:
10. Dogs don't feel threatened
by your intelligence.
9. Dogs are already in touch
with their inner puppies.
8. Dogs are very direct about
wanting to go out.
7. Dogs think you are a culinary
6. You can house train a dog.
5. Dogs feel guilt when they've
done something wrong.
4. Middle-aged dogs don't feel
the need to abandon you for
a younger owner.
3. Dogs mean it when they kiss
2. Dogs don't care whether or
not you shave your legs.
1. Dogs obsess about you as
much as you obsess about them.
10 All Time Dog Bestsellers:
10. "Fire Hydrants of New
York", by Rusty the Firehouse
9. "Oh No, Timmy's In The
Well Again!", by Lassie
with Rudd Weatherwax.
8. "101 Ways To Skin A
Cat", by Duke "Crocodile"
Dingo Dog.
7. "Why People Throw Sticks,
And What To Do About It",
by FetchBoy the Golden Retriever.
6. "Stop Chasing Cats and
Start Catching Them", by
Dr. Rover Tilted.
5. "How I Licked The Toilet
Bowl Habit", by Sammy Snauzer.
4. "No Bad Dogs",
by Professor Hugo Sitt.
3. "Teach Your Human To
Heel", by Rowf Rotweiller.
2. "Spit For Life",
by Pete the Wonderdog.
1. "Good Kitty, Dead Kitty",
by Spot "Psycho" Poodle.
rights reserved "Simply Angel"