Angel Note: Thursday Sept.22, 2005


Due to the continued disrespect for me and my music pages, including the hotlinking, I will no longer be taking requests to add or be sending wav files by e-mail. The countless thankless hours I put into all this extra work is of no benefit to me. I am daily asked by people wanting certain wav-files, pictures, links or lists of other wav-sites or to please add this song so they can download it. Many for their own wav-sites while I do all the searching and leg work, or have them made here, with out so much as a reply that it was received or of thanks back. My apologies to those of you who have graciously taken the time to sign my guestbook and send your file request by e-mail as I have asked and then kind enough to at least send a thank you.
I carry the entire expense of this site on my own and it has become a dire expense to me these days and I have as of yet to receive even a nickel in my Tips Button. So as of this posting all input into my music pages will be at my convenience and leisure and of my liking. I know of no other webmistress who has given so much of her time. Again My apologies.

Paula "Simply Angel"